BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

IAMEdmUINew interface

This interface is supported by the AMFolderUI object. It provides a set of methods to create new documents in a given folder.

Name Description

NewDocument method

Creates a new document with a variety of options. See Remarks.

ImportFiles method

Imports multiple files/folders from file system into a given folder.

SetOptions method

Same as the SetOptions method of the IAMEdmItemsUIPersist interface.

CopyDocuments method

Copies multiple documents/folders into a given folder.

LastResult property

A set of result values for the ImportFiles or CopyDocuments operation for each object in selection.


NewDocument method

Following is the definition of the NewDocument method:

Function NewDocument([ParentWnd As Long], [DocName As String], [DocType], [DocTemplate], [FileToImport As String], [DlgType As AMUINEWDLGTYPES], [DlgTitle As String], [Flags As Long]) As Object

NewDocument creates a new document of the DocType document type named DocName in the given folder. Content for the new document can be provided as external file FileToImport or environment template DocTemplate. Optionally, depending on DlgType value, it can show a dialog to select the document type/template and/or select the file to import or show the new document wizard dialog with custom wizard pages.


This argument can be an AMDocumentType object identified by a document type ID string.


This argument can be an IAMDocumentTemplate object or a document template ID string, assuming that DocType also defined.

ImportFiles method

Following is the definition of the ImportFiles method:

Sub ImportFiles(ParentWnd As Long, FileNamesArray, [SelectionID As String])

ImportFiles takes a selection of external files/folders and for each file/folder creates a new document/subfolder in a given folder. The content of the new documents is imported from related files. For each new document created, a dialog is displayed to select the document type if there are multiple related document types. New document wizards are also displayed if there are custom wizard pages for a selected document type. Selected folders are imported recursively depending on options. See the SetOptions method of the IAMEdmItemsUIPersist interface.


A string or variant array of file/folder paths. 


Optional static collection ID of new documents to be created.

CopyDocuments method

Following is the definition of the CopyDocuments method:

Sub CopyDocuments(ParentWnd As Long, DocIDArray)

The CopyDocuments method takes a selection of documents/folders in the vault and for each document/folder makes a copy in a given folder. New document wizards are also displayed if there are custom wizard pages for a selected document type. Selected folders are imported recursively depending on options. See the SetOptions method of the IAMEdmItemsUIPersist interface.

LastResult property

The LastResult property returns an array of the results of the last ImportFiles or CopyDocuments operation. Depending on whether the AMIF_ALLRESULTS flag is specified, it returns results for objects in the original selection only or for all objects including: the original selection, objects from recursive folders, and referenced documents.

If AMIF_ALLRESULTS is not specified, it returns an array of sub-arrays, each sub-array containing three elements related to IDs in the original selection:

If AMIF_ALLRESULTS is specified, it returns a 2D array, each row in array containing four elements:

Related information

IAMEdmUIPersist interface

IAMEdmItemsUIPersist interface

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